Heat Rate Efficiency 2021

Improving Net Heat Rate in Thermal Power Plants

21st & 22nd October, 2021 Two Days Pan India Virtual Conference

About the Conference

The conference provides a platform for power producers & technology providers in the sector to showcase various case studies, best practices, innovations, etc.

This conference is designed to support attendees in addressing problems with power plant performance and in spotting cost-effective solutions for achieving and sustaining heat rate improvements.

The objectives of the conference are to provide a forum to exchange knowledge and experience and establish clear priorities for additional research and development to improve power plant heat rates.

Furthermore, the aim is to help in the knowledge enhancement of plant officials with the new advancements in the sector.

Thermal Power – Significance

India at present is the fourth-largest global energy consumer after China, United States and the European Union. Reinforced by a steady rate of GDP growth – India will overtake the European Union by 2030 to move up to the third position in terms of energy consumption globally.

The Power Sector in India is one of the most vibrant in the world, where the foundation of power generation includes an array of sources including both conventional and non-conventional sources.

India’s total installed capacity as on 30 April, 2020 stood at 3,82,730 MW. The country primarily depends upon Thermal Power Plants for electricity generation – Thermal Plants have an installed capacity of 2,34,728 MW (a share of 61.3% of total installed capacity).

Under Thermal, Coal is the single largest source of energy for electricity production. As of May 2021, out of 2,34,728 MW of total thermal capacity, 2,06,675 MW was attributed to Coal (88%).

Why Net Heat Rate?

As India’s dependence on thermal coal fired plants can be evidenced with the statistics mentioned, thus it is imperative to keep a tab on the efficiency measures for these plants – which ultimately brings our focus on the “Net Heat Rate” of Thermal Power Plants.

  • The assessment of performance of a Thermal Power Plant entails observing its “Heat Rate”.
  • Heat rate in the framework of a thermal power plant can be thought of as the input required to yield one unit of output. It generally indicates the amount of fuel required to produce one unit of electricity.
  • The higher the heat rate (i.e. the more energy input that is required to produce one unit of electric output), the lower the efficiency of the power plant.
  • Most power plants have a design heat rate (set target). For a given power plant, heat rate depends several factors such as the power plant’s age, design, level of output, and its operating conditions.
  • Reducing a power plant’s heat rate can significantly lower fuel consumption and thus lower its costs which can be ultimately passed onto the final consumer.
  • A heat rate improvement program typically provides sufficient information for decision making with respect to timely maintenance actions, operational adjustments, and physical modifications.

These investments coupled with proactive maintenance improvements like checking leakages and cycle optimization are typically applied by power plants.

Who should Attend

Central & State Sector Power Generation Companies (Coal, Lignite & CCGT)

Independent Power Producers (Coal, Lignite & CCGT)

Captive Power Producers (Coal, Lignite & CCGT)

Government Officials (Policy Makers and Regulatory Authorities)

Power Plant O&M Providers

Energy Efficiency Auditors & Consultants

Certification and Inspection Companies

Officials from Pollution Control Boards

Government Training Institutions

Power Plant Automation Solutions Companies

Conference Draft AGENDA

Login to Virtual Portal
Inaugural Function
Contemporary Technological Developments for Reducing Heat Rate and Improving Efficiency
Major Deterrents to Plant Efficiency & Improving Plant Performance.
Payback Periods for Heat Rate Upgrades – Uplifting Economic Efficiency of Power Plants.
Regulatory Instrument “Perform, Achieve and Trade (PAT)” – A mandate for the Thermal Power Plant sector and the expected target achievement in PAT Cycle V.
Coal Consumption Norms and Proposed Heat Rate as imposed by the Government.
Closing of Day 1 – Networking Lounge Open.
Analysis of fundamental parameters like Boiler Efficiency and Turbine cycle to address Heat Rate Efficiency.
Growing inclination towards the adoption of capital projects such as variable frequency drives & intelligent soot blowing systems to improve Heat Rate effectively.
Imminent curative measures to tackle Heat Rate Deviation.
Leveraging Big Data, Predictive Analytics & Artificial Intelligence to control Heat Rate vis-a-vis proactive maintenance actions.
Thermal Power Plant Producers Standpoint – Case Studies
Virtual Award Ceremony 2021
Closing of Day 2 – Networking Lounge Open

CEE Energy Efficiency Awards 2021

CEE Energy Efficiency Awards 2021 identifies and celebrates the best in industry efforts for employing new and pioneering energy efficiency measures. The awards have been established by keeping several operational parameters in focus such as Peaking Plant Load Factor, Secondary Oil Consumption, Auxiliary Power Consumption and Station Heat Rate. The ultimate rationale behind the awards is to encourage some sense of competition among various stakeholders which will eventually inspire them to improve efficiency across the value chain.


Excellence in Energy Efficiency – COAL <250MW (Unit)

Independent Power Plant


Excellence in Energy Efficiency – COAL 250 –500MW (Unit)

Independent Power Plant


Excellence in Energy Efficiency – COAL 500>MW (Unit)

Independent Power Plant


Excellence in Energy Efficiency – Lignite <125MW (Unit)

Independent Power Plant


Excellence in Energy Efficiency – Lignite 125 –250MW (Unit)

Independent Power Plant


Excellence in Energy Efficiency – Lignite 250>MW (Unit)

Independent Power Plant


Excellence in Energy Efficiency – CCGT <125MW (Unit)

Independent Power Plant


Excellence in Energy Efficiency – CCGT 125 >MW (Unit)

Independent Power Plant


Excellence in Energy Efficiency – COAL – CPP (Unit) < 50 MW

Captive Power Plant


Excellence in Energy Efficiency – COAL – CPP (Unit) > 50 MW

Captive Power Plant


Excellence in Energy Efficiency – Lignite – CPP (Unit)

Captive Power Plant


Excellence in Energy Efficiency – CCGT – CPP (Unit)

Captive Power Plant


of the Year


Technology Company of the Year

CEE Energy Efficiency Award Nominations 2021 – Key Dates

Nomination Process   Honorable Jury

2nd August, 2021

Start of Process

15th October, 2021

Nomination Closes

22nd October, 2021

Announcement of Winners


A sure fire way for your firm to emerge as a thriving leader in this proliferation industry would be to sponsor CEE’s Heat Rate Efficiency 2021 conference. This will successfully leave a powerful and lasting brand impression in the minds of pivotal decision-makers.

    Our promotional and marketing campaigns will help you garner publicity.
    Gain access to our classified delegate list that is so painstakingly and diligently created.
    Receive the honour of addressing an audience filled with industry decision-makers and leading executives as the primary speaker
    Documentation at the conference will generate lasting mementos of your product or services.
    Event marketing collateral will promote your corporate brand, logo, and profile. This will help you establish yourself as an industry leader.
    Virtual meet and greets and socializing with government officials, industry leaders, specialists and senior level delegates.
    This offers a chance for your administrators to discover your role better and uncover new business opportunities in the sector.
    Our partners will provide brand building possibilities, higher exposure and so much more.

Type of Sponsor

Kilowatt (Associate Sponsor)

INR 300,000 / USD 4000

  • Auditorium Stage Sponsor Branding
  • Thanking Announcements
  • Logo on Conference Website
  • 2 Delegate Pass

Megawatt (Supporting Sponsor)

INR 375,000 / USD 5000

  • Auditorium Stage Sponsor Branding
  • Thanking Announcements
  • Logo on Conference Website
  • 2 Delegate Pass
  • Panel Discussion Panellist

Gigawatt (Knowledge Sponsor)

INR 550,000 / USD 7500

  • Auditorium Stage Sponsor Branding
  • Thanking Announcements
  • Branding on Conference Website
  • 4 Delegate Passes
  • Panel Discussion Panellist
  • 1 Award Nomination
  • Branding space in lobby

Terawatt (Powering Sponsor)

INR 650,000 / USD 8700

  • Auditorium Stage Sponsor Branding
  • Thanking Announcements
  • Branding on Conference Website
  • 6 Delegate Passes
  • Panel Discussion Panellist
  • 1 Award Nomination
  • Sponsor presentation opportunity – Day 2
  • Branding space in lobby
  • Branding on Login Page – Day of event
  • Emailer branding – For all delegate registration
  • Lobby Sponsor TV AV (with Audio & Visual)

Generator (Principal Sponsor)

INR 800,000 / USD 11,000

  • Auditorium Stage Sponsor Branding
  • Thanking Announcements
  • Branding on Conference Website
  • 8 Delegate Passes
  • Panel Discussion Moderator
  • 1 Award Nomination
  • Sponsor presentation opportunity – Day 1
  • Massive branding space in lobby
  • Branding on Login Page – Day of event
  • Emailer branding – For all delegate registration
  • Lobby Sponsor TV AV (with Audio & Visual)
  • Walkway welcome sponsor – Flag Branding
  • Welcome video by sponsor
  • Sponsor Info downloadable document in lobby

Registration Process

Online Registration

To participate as Delegates / nominate for Awards / be a Speaker fill and submit online form from the links below.

Receive Invoice

We will email you an invoice along with necessary required documents for processing the payment. The original invoice shall be sent to your postal address.

Make Payment

Make online payment via our secured payment gateway using your Credit Card or Bank Transfer or send Cheque / DD to our postal address.



Indian Delegate

INR 5000 + 18% GST

Overseas Delegate

USD 200 per Delegate

Group Discount

5% for 3+ Participants
10% for 7+ Participants





INR 25000 + 18% GST

Overseas Company

USD 600 per Category

Category Discount

5% for 2+ Categories
10% for 5+ Categories




Indian Speaker

INR 30,000 + 18% GST

Overseas Speaker

USD 700


About Us

Council of Enviro Excellence [CEE] is an autonomous, national level, non-government, not for profit initiatives organization, focusing on public interest, research and advocacy on the issues related to energy sector.

CEE provides a platform for power producers & technology providers in the sector to showcase various case studies, best practices, innovations, etc.

This is done by executing National and International conferences, workshops, and bespoke events based on research and guided by content.

Contact Us

Address: 266, Sahakar Building 30/3, Barrister Nath Pai Marg, Mazgaon, Dockyard Road, Mumbai 400010

+91 98214 19110
